About Me copywriter

I have been fortunate to have learned from the very best writers, art directors, filmmakers, photographers, videographers, and producers in the marketing communications world. 

My career path has taken me from advertising to public relations to web content development.

With this depth of experience comes the understanding of how important it is to deliver a consistent brand voice across all vehicles of communication, and how to craft a compelling message that will emotionally connect with your audience. My specialty is turning complex concepts into benefit-driven copy that will motivate your targeted customer to take action. 

It is no longer feasible to push messages to your customers and prospects. In today's market, you must build relationships with them. Let me help you achieve results with well-crafted advertising and SEO copy that engages, informs, and entices them to choose your product or service over your competition.

  • B2C and B2B
  • SEO Web Copy
  • Print, Radio, and Television Advertising
  • Email Marketing
  • Press Releases
  • Brand Identity
  • Packaging Copy
  • Corporate Communications
  • Instructional Videos
  • Incentive Programs
  • Catalogs, Brochures, Sell Sheets
  • Outdoor Advertising
  • Multimedia Presentations
  • Content Management


 Product Categories

Consumer electronics, gift items, business equipment, home office products, home appliances, vacation destinations, aftermarket car audio, electronic musical instruments, telecommunications equipment, personal care products, apparel, jewelry, toys, promotional items, consumer and industrial paints and coatings, candy and confections, home medical devices, power tools, craft products, greeting cards, home decorating, trade show furnishings, telecom services.

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professional history

home page

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I am an avid crafter, gardener, decorator, and cat wrangler. 

I enjoy crafting handmade cards (which I invite you to view in my gallery), jewelry, and decorative items.

By the way, I know just enough Photoshop to make myself look good. Presentation is everything.

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